Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Kodak Or Fuji Print Is Better


We would reproduce a press release from the Information Group Asylum indicating the type of actions it is important to conduct systematic on individual freedoms and proves they can successfully bring about change:
Press. Paris, October 17, 2006.


Audience GIA C / Prefect of Police in Paris, Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 9:30 am, Room No. 2, the Administrative Tribunal of Paris, 7, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, Metro: St Paul.

By order dated 07.18.2002 following a trial in closing that place of confinement Psychiatric very special and very secret of Paris brought by the Group Information Asylums, the Prefect of Paris Police endowed the IPPP a charter home and a new rules, already in the text more consistent with those old 1873 (foundation of a special deposit the Insane) and following the current provisions on interim measures of internment Office. However, no one since the summer of 2002 we have been informed and having had to deal with a transfer in this "sick" does this charter was awarded home (though necessarily discount from the text cited above), nor was notified or informed of their rights ...

For administrative appeal of 03/17/2003, the GIA asked the Prefect of Paris Police to amend this charter home so as to make possible the presence of a lawyer from any person confined to the IPPP is welcome. The Prefect of Police refused this request by letter dated April 30, 2003 based on the fact that the provisional measures do integrating psychiatric internment not strictly speaking, he had nothing of the kind of defense rights to be respected. However, Article of the Code of Public Health, which legalized the provision of temporary involuntary hospitalization is integrated into the chapter on the involuntary and therefore is embodied in the law that legislates the psychiatric ... Group Information Asylums sought annulment of this refusal by motion filed before the Administrative Tribunal of Paris, June 26, 2003. The parties have maintained their means, the case is called at the hearing tribunal of Paris, October 25th at 9:30. We invite the media to cover this hearing.

Indeed, the case of the existence of the IPPP be no shortage of scandalous. Besides the fact that this place of confinement prior to a psychiatric hospital since 1961 is built on land belonging to the psychiatric hospital Ste Anne, 3, rue Cabanis, 75014 (the entrance of the CH Ste Anne is at 1 rue Cabanis ) and the Ste Anne landowner to claim the body and cry for the return of his land to the Prefecture of Police in Paris which does not deign to run can not be expelled by itself ... this place is supposed to be just a place for medical examination that a psychiatric sentencing or not, is actually an authentic place of detention of persons whose time course does not exceed 48 hours, that is to say the duration of police custody health, but where people are referred locked in their cells, exposed and in pajamas or nightgown, and to some battered , tied up, médiquées Psychiater force, could not leave for their natural needs, and even then he beat the door of the cell of a fifteen minutes to half an hour to get there. Therefore a place of confinement without any rights to defense of persons held in custody at a police station, where people are transferred for reasons as simple as light nuisance to neighbors sometimes not even based, with such a different vigil as public institution, or a spat of a patient with a psychiatric care team refusing him access to therapy ... etc..

Note that no other city in France is endowed with such a structure, interim measures prior to a psychiatric hospital being performed. But Paris has a separate status, the Police may have their hands on psychiatric hospitalization even free, since some people who are referred to the IPPP is then sent in their area psychiatric facility under free diet (free hospitalization Hospitalization is a common law non-custodial) or at the request of one third, or even out free. See also the constant requisitions of IPPP as towards the Ste Anne other structures Psychiatric Paris, claiming their reports on individual patient can be followed by contract, in full violation of medical confidentiality and patient rights and have been reaffirmed by the Act of March 4, 2002. In Paris Prefecture de Police de Paris plans, and denounce the amount of hospital psychiatrists and patients' associations, have the grip on the psychiatric care of people through its very special hospital ... in which no journalist in this day n 'could not penetrate nor of course do any reporting. Only those having been referred are able to attest, and able to speak.

We refer to this story:

Liberation, May 18, 2006, "internal sight" Eric Favereau.
Lock them all, Philip and Catherine Derivery Bernardet, R. Laffont, 2002.
Asylums of shame, Pascal Colombani, Editions Carnot, 2001. The doctor
daily, 7 October 2002, page 23.
Release October 4, 2002: "In Paris, police clings to his asylum" by J. Durand.
AFP October 2, 2002: Request to close the psychiatric hospital in Paris ...

We call on the media used to cover this wide audience.
Since the decision in this case was delivered and this is what the GIA has managed to obtain:
The psychiatric hospital in the prefecture of police of Paris (IPPP ): a lawless zone in the heart of the capital!

hearing at the Administrative Court of Paris: Aff. GIA v. Commissioner of Police of Paris -
release of GIA - Summary of the hearing on 10/25/2006 at BAC Paris "The bunker of psychiatric nursing could yawn" Article Le Parisien 26/10/2006

Asylums Information Group wins major battle against the Prefect of Paris Police:
the Paris Administrative Court set aside the refusal of the Commissioner of Police mentioned in the charter Home people brought to the IPPP, their right of access to a lawyer of their choice. From that day, November 22, 2006, no further detention order to IPPP, considered involuntary hospitalization, will be legal as long as the situation has been corrected
Judgement of 22/11/2006 12/11/2006 notified - The Paris police prefecture sentenced. Any person detained in psychiatric nursing will be entitled to a lawyer - Article Liberation - Article Le Parisien - The infirmary without safeguards for the Paris police headquarters. The IPPP is out of sanitary control. However, those "retained" for "mental disorder" - over 2,000 in 2005 - will benefit from a lawyer: Le Monde 29/12/2006 - A letter from the Prefect of Paris police and testimony of a former internal IPPP published in newspaper Le Monde 01/16/2007 following the preceding article.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Verses From The Bible Regarding Housewarming


(Illustration of Pain, an evil to fight / Th Delorme - Discovery Gallimard)

In its edition of Wednesday, 7 february 2007, Liberation published an article about an event whose scope has been greatly underestimated.

recalled that in 2005 the prestigious National Institute of Medical Research published a study entitled "Conduct Disorder in children and adolescents." As part of its prevention plan against crime, largely inspired by this text, including the government promoted a very early detection of "problem behavior" in children are supposed to announce a route to delinquency. In this context the expertise of INSERM supra, which advocates the screening of "conduct disorder" in children from an early age, was particularly targeted.

This study provoked an outcry among all professionals involved with the Early Years (educators, child psychiatrist, pediatricians, psychologists, parents associations, teachers, etc..). Professionals involved then launched a national petition titled "No zero line for children 3 years" ( who received no less than 191 900 signatures to date . In

Here is an excerpt:

" Professionals are invited to identify risk factors for prenatal and perinatal, genetic, environmental and temperament and personality. For example, are raised with regard to young children" traits such that the emotional coldness, a tendency to manipulation, cynicism "and the concept of" heritability (genetic) of conduct disorder. "The report insists on screening at 36 months following signs:" disobedience, hétéroagressivité, low control emotional, impulsive, index of morality low ", etc.. Will he go find the nursery thieves cubes or babilleurs mythomaniacs?

Given these symptoms, the children tested were subjected to a battery of tests developed on the basis of theories of neuropsychology behaviorist that identify any deviation from a standard established by the standards of the scientific literature Anglo-Saxon. With such a deterministic approach and following a relentless linearity principle, the slightest gesture, the first silly child may be interpreted as an expression of personality pathology that should be neutralized as quickly as possible by a series of measures involving rehabilitation and psychotherapy. From six years, the administration of drugs, stimulants and mood stabilizers should help overcome the most recalcitrant. The implementation of these recommendations not causing Does not formatting behavior of children, only induce Does not a form of addiction child, not to mention congestion care facilities responsible for treating all sociopaths? The expertise of INSERM, medicalizing the extreme phenomena of the educational, psychological and social development, maintains confusion between social unrest and psychological suffering, or hereditary disease
. "

Their analysis of the hidden motivations of this text, apart from his motives are safe, are equally interesting:

" What offer experts

Three classes of drugs are nonspecific: antipsychotics, psychostimulants and mood stabilizers
. Their action is alleged essentially "anti-aggression".

Experts suggest:

- Develop new clinical trials with drug combinations.
- Promote research of new molecules including the identification of molecules
can reduce impulsive behavior through actions on neurotransmitters
. This "search for new molecules of interest in
prevention and correction of conduct disorder" (p 381).

's remarks Pasde0deConduite

There are few data psychopharmacology in children and adolescents: most data on efficacy and tolerance have been obtained in adults. Experts point out also that these tests were the most frequently performed in adults and "other evidence that conduct disorder "(p 285).

In the U.S., nearly 8 million children aged 3-20 years are now taking psychotropic drugs:

antidepressants, sedatives, or stimulants (including Ritalin). In this country, some teachers encourage parents to go see a psychologist, a physician to Decalmer with medication children as hyperactive. The laboratories are the primary beneficiaries of the development programs of psychological screening in this country. Many American associations are mobilizing to protest against the rise of the medicalization of schoolchildren, high school students. Alerts on the upsurge of suicide led the Food and Drug Administration (the equivalent of our AFSSAPS) to include warnings on drug packaging.

In France, in 2004 and most recently in 2006, Afssaps recalled that the prescription of an antidepressant should intervene only as second-line as part of a major depression. Thus, if the prescription of an antidepressant is needed in a child or adolescent, close monitoring of the patient must be completed and accompanied by research of suicidal behavior, especially early in treatment. He had even been talk in 2004 to prohibit the prescription of antidepressants in children under 18 years of age.

In France, the prescription of psychotropic drugs in children has long remained a taboo. Neither child psychiatrists apart from some services, 1 or pediatricians or general practitioners prescribe easily psychotropic drugs. However, statistics show that the number of boxes of Ritalin sold is growing rapidly. In 2004, 7,000 children were on Ritalin, which is six times more than in 1997.

The announcement of the figures of prevalence of conduct disorder referring to 9% of children can not fail to discuss a strategy to promote a new disease (conduct disorder), with its psychotropic treatment in the key. We have experience in France, a major consumer of psychotropic where nearly 20% of prescriptions of antidepressants in adults are considered unjustified.

Also many doctors believe that prescribing psychotropic drugs in the small is pure folly, while the brain structure is not yet fully developed and that are not available from studies in children .

In the proposed treatment of " conduct disorder "in the sense identified in the expertise of INSERM, if the therapies under reeducation does not work, they are drug treatments that are offered with, in this case the requirements in the long term: in fact the effect psychotropic drugs is expected to calm the "disorder", but the molecules do not function as a "cure" ... conduct

Worse, beyond the aspects of "therapeutic" which have been reviewed, the experts suggest preventive treatment, that is supposed to prevent the onset of the disorder lines and thus provide an indication based on risk factors.

There is danger for our children.

(1) Services which are also experts from the INSERM report

Often we think that these petitions lead nowhere, except that it has seen its share fully successful. Indeed, the June 16, 2006, the government gave up its reform include articles on the prevention of delinquency among very young children.
Some time later, INSERM admitted to spell certain aspects unaudited and not scientific methodology for was used in making this expertise. The spokesman Inserm announced that the working methods of INSERM in psychic will be reviewed. There will in particular take into account the diversity of epistemological approaches and practices, as experience of field workers and the contribution of humanities and social sciences concerned with the issues considered. "The multidisciplinary is a condition of an ethical and scientific " considered Jean-Claude Ameisen, chairman of the ethics committee of INSERM. Jean Marie Danion, professor of psychiatry Strasbourg, director of Inserm Unit 666 and spokesman for the Institute said: "Now when expertise will have strong societal implications, such as this, we will ask professionals in the field make us proposals on names of experts to consult. Then, after work but before its publication, we spoke to have access again to avoid giving the impression of a text holder of an intangible reality. It We must also reject any approach to security, being a constant vigilance vis-à-vis the risk of political capture .

But the highlight of this action was the eagerly awaited decision of the National Ethics Committee seized by the group that issued last February a highly unfavorable review on the INSERM report. More than the mere fact that these are the terms and arguments that are interesting, some critically. Here's how Liberation recounts this event:

It's refreshing. By publishing his views "on the detection of certain disorders in very young children," the National Ethics Committee will pay the prestigious National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm). He slams expertise Collective of the Institute which tended to establish links between conduct disorder in children and future delinquency. (...)

Choice . These are also the authors of the petition who, last spring, before the National Ethics Committee. Although they took both the response of the wise in their favor. First, the very purpose of the work of Inserm is questioned: "It is worth noting the ambiguity of the definition of" conduct disorder "because it tends to obscure the boundaries between pathology and delinquency among approach medical and judicial. "
Similarly, the committee was surprised by the very particular choice of the experts, almost all belonging to the same school of thought. The committee can then give them a little history of catching up: "The temptation to reduce, classify and prioritize all aspects of the complexity of human behavior using a single template for reading, and use it to predict people's future is not a novelty.
Some people today can read all of the identity and the future of a child by studying the behavior of the sequence of its genes, or by imaging analysis of brain activities ... The history of science shows us the futility of trying to reduce this or that criterion in determining the future of a person. "

Crystal Ball . In fact the ethics committee follows a consistent line, worrying about the place that takes genetics into medicine, perceived as a real crystal ball. The sages point out the obvious: "The social risk factors or environmental appear at least as crucial to future behavior that genetic factors, neurobiological and psychological individual child. "Highlighting genetic predisposition risk, again, to bring children" away "and stigmatizing them by treating them" like children different and dangerous. "
Logically it shows an opposite trend in psychiatry that aims to prescribe psychotropic drugs to children too agitated. "The administration of psychotropic drugs or anxiolytics for young children is a facility to which our society must not yield." And for those who have not understood this point to order a wakeup call: "Medicine must first consider the child as a child in danger and suffering that must accompany, and not as a child possibly dangerous, that should protect society ... We reiterate our opposition to a medicine used to protect society more than people. "
And the journalist concluded:

" Rarely, in any case the wise took a firm position . "

Yes! There is even a small revolution in the field of research, medicine and social psychiatry and especially of medical ethics in general.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Colloidal Silver ,chennai


I can reproduce an advertisement placed by a former victim of forced internment who wants to publish a booklet consisting of testimony of other victims:

Brochure Project testimony about the hospital psychiatrist.

My project to publish a booklet giving more visibility to involuntary treatment in psychiatry.

Having painfully experienced several forced internment, and noting the lack of information about conditions of detention in psychiatric hospitals, I find it interesting to publish some stories (often nightmarish) on how it treats the "crazy".

I would like to publish a booklet comprised of testimonials, anonymous or not, people have been forced internment. You are free to adopt the shape you want. Here, I await your stories .


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Playmkate Of The Apes


If you consider that there are alternatives and that psychiatrists use too systematically administering drugs psychotropic children encountering problems instead of dealing with the real causes of their troubles, you can use this logo on your site or blog.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Baby Shampoo Acne Treatment


An association and an initiative to support:

Association Lea For Samy, who is assisting thousands of Parents of children with autism each year, has filed a complaint against X, September 27, 2006, for discrimination against children with autism.

The care of children with autism is the most catastrophic of Western countries. For years, without adequate justification, the French children with autism do not have: - Access to early diagnosis, access to effective care-Access to School-Access to adult life

misdiagnosis généraliséesLes Parents usually react very early on disorders of their children, leaving enough time to diagnosis and appropriate support in any other European country. Except in France, most doctors know nothing about autism, and advocates, in a few precious years of wandering, "care" psychiatric totally disastrous for mother and child.

Each child with autism is generally accepted with the false diagnosis of "infantile psychosis" or no diagnosis, day hospital, and is charged 600 euros / day to Collectivité.Un educational and social system démissionnairesLe system medico-socio-educational "French" imposed guidelines that will invariably be against the interests of the child with autism. Commissions based on the findings of "expert" psychiatrists have no expertise in autism to give avis.Sans other action, the French parents must entrust the future of their most vulnerable children in contacts with the majority wallows in medical error.

The situation remains blocked under the visible influence of lobbyists whose interests have nothing to do with the welfare of children, families, the application of the Act.

Hundreds of thousands of parents are left to their own 400 000 children with autism or pervasive developmental disorders would be left with no diagnosis, no education or care.

For most families, one parent must give up his job to devote herself to her child, or simply keep it for lack of available professionals. A hospital care without guard crowds abuse of medical power is multiplient.Exemple: the case of this young mother of a child with autism reported by a psychiatrist who accuses it of being responsible for her son's condition. He asked the internment of the child in the center and the hospitalization of the mother. The juvenile court judge ordered the detention without even checking if the psychiatrist has any expertise in autism. The result is this little boy (age 8) finds himself held hostage for years, a practitioner "Almighty "who knows nothing about this disease.

As a "treatment", the child sees, among other things, wrapped regularly in sheets soaked in cold water until they are warmed by his body. For an adult is scary enough, but what about a child whose disease is characterized by hypersensitivity and the absolute fear of being stuck in his movements?

This is unfortunately not an isolated example of uncontrolled system.

Yet there are solutions ...

Our neighbors European, early diagnosis and multidisciplinary accompaniments are very effective funded by the Governments for years, but France continues to refuse any breakthrough in the care of children with autism. Public funds continue to fund "treatments" unjustified, that nobody knows anything and yet they practiced daily in the largest public hospitals in the country.

Despite individual actions, collective associations, meetings with government officials, official reports and recommendations, nothing happens to the millions of people concerned or indirectly by this health catastrophe. The resignation of the state seems total.

As part of the investigation of the complaint against X for discrimination filed by Leah Samy, will be sought:

- the delegation of this complex within the health service to a very shrewd judge - the call of the judge of Senior Officials of the Ministry of Health and senior state officials to account

- the appointment of a foreign expert to shed light on how the State treats autism because of abuse health mental and physical, as well as discrimination.

This complaint will be followed by a collective complaint of families of children with autism and other discrimination complaints on a case by case basis against the services, agencies, administrative bodies, individuals who have achieved the fundamental rights of Child or parents.

LEA FOR SAMY - The Voice of the autistic child, 51 rue Léon Frot 75011 PARISTel: -

Thursday, March 15, 2007

2010 Computer Viruses Going Around

Image Marianne Guémèche ( )

In the U.S., there is a real school of thought psychiatrist who considered antisocial behaviors are indeed caused by brain dysfunction.

This school of thought, of course questionable scientifically and widely contested incidentally has yet managed to impose and to adopt by committees of experts established by the Bush administration, This is called over there the "screening."

In other words, a mandatory review of every individual to determine the existence of dysfunctional behavior and therefore brain dysfunction can be corrected by a drug delivery and that, from earliest infancy. The first targets of this "screening", children from schools.

Needless to say, at the head of the committee members included top executives or executives in the pharmaceutical industry very close to Bush.

is in fact a form of neo-eugenics is not to say his name. The famous INSERM report on prevention of delinquency widely criticized and which fortunately is now the subject of a warning from INSERM, was a direct outcome of the U.S. lobby.

Its editors for many, but especially the coordinator of this study are leaders of a new science called "genomic cognitive" - in other words, genetic manipulation to modify the brain to "prevent" disorder behavior.
I mention how they define themselves: "Progress of Science cognitive and genetics followed in France, parallel tracks, because of technical specialization in both sectors, and also some ideological misgivings (!). In other countries, however, the cognitive training and have created a molecular field of research involving genetics and cognition. "

is on this same model, for example, programs aimed at generalization of Ritalin to treat hyperactivity have been developed. We realize today that strangely, it is the people black ghettos have hyperactive children in their great majority.

course, it never comes to the idea that these experts population ghettos mainly eats hamburger fries and behavioral disorders may follow due to a deficient diet, it is a population often under-educated and that kids whose parents work with 4000 words in total will be very upset when they enter the PC, that is a population under medicalized and that many young hyperactive simply need a pair of glasses their view that lived in a world of violence is perhaps not without influence on student behavior, not to mention the multiple problems caused by social conditions of each individual, etc..

But it turns out that the social treatment of these problems are much more complex and costly to implement than the administration of a single pill for them to learn acceptable social behavior.

It's not scientific logic that stifles them. Quite the contrary, Canada (which adopted the same programs), a couple was sentenced for failing to assist persons in danger (!) For have refused to administer Ritalin to their kid. They pretext (the idiots "unscientific") that the troubles of the supposed hyper activity occurred when they were kid he had announced their intention to divorce.

is a vision truly fascist society where the individual, his life, his experiences, his environment, his own personality, and ultimately, its liability will be reduced to a simple story of genetic influence and of malfunction or "disease" brain. And it's a bit like the old theories of scientific Nazis had been groomed their racial obsessions, for us to be reused, all clean, all beautiful.

I may be a bit alarmist, but at the pace things are going, it's probably one of the most important battles in the future in terms of individual freedom that is being played and who play in the coming years around this theme.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Post Hernia Surgery Stomach Bloating


Here is a text written by Lawrence Stevens, a lawyer who specialized in defending the mentally ill or people who received forced treatment. It compares text in a forced treatment and sexual rape. Indeed, what is worse?

The forced administration of a psychiatric drug (or an alleged treatment like electroshock) is a kind of tyranny that can be compared, physically and moral rape. Compare sexual rape and involuntary administration of a psychiatric drug injected intramuscularly into a buttock, which is the part of the anatomy where the injection is usually made: the rape as sexual in the involuntary administration of psychiatric drug, force is used.

In both cases the victim's pants are pulled down. In both cases, a tube is inserted into the body of the victim against his will. In the case of sexual rape, the tube is a penis. In the case of what could be called psychiatric rape, the tube is a hypodermic needle. In both cases, a fluid is injected into the body of the victim against his will. In both cases, it is in (or near) the rear.

In the case of sexual rape, the fluid is semen. In the case of psychiatric rape, the fluid is Thorazine, Prolixin or other brain-disabling drug. The bodily invasion is similar in both cases, otherwise (for reasons I will explain) worse in the case of psychiatric rape. Similar too is the sense of outrage in the mind of the victim of each type of aggression. As Thomas Szasz, professor of psychiatry, "violence is violence, regardless of whether appointed psychiatric illness or psychiatric treatment." Some who are not "hospitalized" (that is to say, imprisoned) are forced, under threat of imprisonment ("Hospital"), to appear in a doctor's office every two weeks for an injection of a neuroleptic long-acting as Prolixin.

Why is psychiatric rape worse than sexual rape? [...] The part of your body's most essential and most intimate is not between your legs but the one between your ears. Aggression in the brain of a person as the imposition of a "treatment" disabling or damaging to the brain (as a psychotropic drug, electroshock or brain surgery) is a crime for intimacy more morally horrifying than rape sex. In moral terms, the psychiatric rape is a more serious crime than sexual rape for another reason: the involuntary administration of "therapies" biological psychiatry causes permanent brain damage.

This contrasts with the fact that, in women raped, sexual function usually remains intact. They obviously suffer from psychological trauma, assault victims but also mental. I hope these remarks will not be interpreted as minimizing the trauma and horror of sexual rape if I make the point that I defended in court for women victims of sexual rape and that each of the half-dozen (approximately) of women I have known have resumed a sex life seems normal, and in most cases were married and started a family.

Instead, the brains of people who have undergone psychiatric assault often are not fully functional because of damage caused by physical and biological "treatment". In a televised debate in 1990, psychoanalyst Jeffrey Masson, Ph.D., said he hoped that those responsible for such "therapies" will face one day to "trial-like Nuremberg" (Geraldo, Nov. 30, 1990).
Lawrence Stevens, a lawyer, defended psychiatric patients in court. His writings are not protected by copyright. You are encouraged to make copies for the benefit of others.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Title Insurance Without Survey


AFP report indicates that there is not only in France that these products are problematic. But the public authorities French seem to be much slower and more reluctant to act.

The U.S. administration responsible for monitoring food and drug Administration (FDA) decided Friday to impose warnings strongest possible against the increased risk of suicidal tendencies among young people treated with antidepressants.

The packaging of these drugs should now have a warning with a black "black box" which is the strongest used by the FDA to warn doctors and patients as against the potential dangers of treatment. The FDA has followed, as she had already made it clear to hear the recommendations of a committee independent experts who had ruled last September by 15 votes against eight for such a measure. "This decision follows the conclusions of the FDA regarding the increased risk of suicidal thoughts and the need to inform physicians prescribing these anti-depressants and children and adolescents to whom they are intended," he said in a statement Acting Commissioner of FDA, Dr. Lester Crawford. "Our conclusions are based on the latest scientific information and best that are available," he added. "They reflect what we heard from our Committee of Experts as well as the public, "said Dr. Crawford.

He also stressed that the FDA had tried to balance the increased risk of suicidal tendencies and the proven positive effects of anti-depressants for treating depressed children and adolescents. "We continue to believe that these drugs are effective when used appropriately," said Dr Crawford.

The committee's conclusions were based on a series of clinical trials have been conducted on more than 4,000 young people from five major manufacturers anti-depressants prescribed in the United States. These studies have shown that a young person taking these antidepressants were twice as likely to have suicidal thoughts than another who were given placebos. No completed suicides occurred in this group, said the FDA.

But several parents whose children have committed suicide and taking anti-depressants, had been heard by the committee of experts from the FDA.

According to studies cited above, Celexa, Prozac and Zoloft have the lowest risk of increasing suicidal thoughts. However, Luvox, Effexor and Paxil have been found to cause more suicidal tendencies, said the researchers. Prozac is the only antidepressant approved to treat depressed youth. But the new warnings will appear on all antidepressants marketed in the United States, said the FDA.

The speed with which the FDA made its decision a month after the recommendations of expert is unusual. It comes as the agency is under fire from critics for the current shortage of flu vaccines and the recent recall of Vioxx, an anti-inflammatory, because of heart risks it presented. © AFP

Monday, March 12, 2007

Lumix Camera-telescope Adaptor


Following are excerpts from an article published in Le Figaro, 30 June 2006, which reminds us that scary place drug use psychotropic drugs prescribed by the medical community has made in our society. It seems it is both easier and more profitable to use substances which have the property to eliminate the symptoms that treat the causes of an evil being. The problems this causes discomfort they are strictly social or personal, are perfectly evacuated by those who are supposed to cope, or those supposed to respond.

consumption is twice higher in France than in Europe, with significant side effects.

A report by the Parliamentary Office for evaluation of health policies released yesterday in the Senate is concerned about the overuse of psychotropic drugs in France (tranquilizers, antidepressants, sleeping pills ...). To stem this worrying phenomenon for a long time This document, coordinated by Maryvonne Briot, MP, made a series of recommendations to the government. It would, she claims, promote compliance with good practices in improving initial and continuing training of physicians, improve the regulation of drug generalization studies evaluating the benefits and risks, and better link the issue of psychotropic the psychological treatment ...

Parliamentary (...) This work confirms the persistence of an exceptional situation in France compared to its neighbors: the proportion of people who took a psychotropic Over the last twelve months is twice the average of neighboring countries. With some refinements, since the average consumption is lower here than in other countries. USED BY women twice as often as men, the elderly more than younger people.

The use of psychotropic already noted in the 1980s has worsened: the amount of reimbursements from the insurance for these products is estimated in 2004 to one billion euros, while in 1980 it was 317 million euros. Growth due to both increased volumes required and the increased cost of new molecules. Moreover, one fact is particularly noteworthy: antidepressants are now more than 50% of sales, against 25% in 1980, while those of anxiolytics and hypnotics remained stable. (...)

requirements inadequate

Furthermore, the use of psychotropic drugs is often incorrect: 80% are issued by GPs who do not always meet professional recommendations and limitations of time limitation. "Half the people who use antidepressants and more than two third of those with anxiolytics and hypnotics are not psychiatric problems under such an indication, says this work. (...) The high level of French consumption does not improve coverage of health needs. "

The consequences in terms of public health of this excess are not well documented. Based drugs benzodiazepines (hypnotics and tranquilizers) are known to have adverse effects on intellectual performance and in particular on short-term memory. "Due to the large proportion of people exposed to these drugs, increased even minimal risk of cognitive deterioration could generate a significant number of dementia cases with broad implications for the health of elderly populations, "says the document.

Regarding antidepressants, some trials have suggested an increased risk of suicidal thoughts among children and adolescents in particular. (...) Finally, psychotropic drugs were involved in accidents from the public highway and falls in older people, but are not fully documented.
