Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hair Silver Dye Washable


Recent events concerning judicial Subutex which saw the arrest of a dozen dealers, pharmacists, physicians drug trafficking recall the absurdity of such " drug treatment "called" substitution ", which is only one way to disguise the social problem it represents.
Fortunately among addiction specialists, more and more voices to denounce the policy which ultimately aims to replace an illegal drug by a legal drug in profits lab that built it. We are now faced with a totally clear worrying substance supposed to be a substitute for heroin to avoid dangers (besides the fact that its effectiveness as such is only relative) is widely prescribed and without control individuals who have never had a problem with this drug .
Expert Says, recently, a report stated that the low price of heroin made his capacity near zero, thereby many young people fall back on Subutex for be guaranteed a minimum of effects. Often, without knowing opiates nor be dependent. If one is major, is the doctor ; if you are a minor, the black market that currently exploding at our expense. Today Subutex is one of 20 "drug" among the most widely prescribed in France (!). If we compare this figure with the figures of drug abuse, it would mean that there is in France hundreds of thousands of heroin addicts. Yet the statistics are formal : There are only 100 000 people who answered the strict definition of opioid dependence. Who consumes thousands of boxes Subutex sold every day in our pharmacies? Why nobody cares?
But that's not all, one last thing to know ... The Subutex addictive. Thus, thousands of doctors in prescribing this drug to thousands of legal persons which in any case are not addicts , make them addicted to a drug substance. And causes a length much greater than that associated with heroin. Fabulous success of the policy against drug abuse in our country, in fact (!)
Here is an article published on the website of the Centre Idro , one of the few voices who dare denounce this state of fact:
Silence is no longer possible, whatever the alleged doctors specializing in the care of addicts, who played the virgin weeping when they heard about the indictment of a colleagues for their abuse of prescription Subutex, a drug substitute for heroin.

In fact, what is questioned, or rather returned to the question of reality is the actual effectiveness, the treatment plan, the buprenorphine (Subutex , Schering-Plough Laboratories ), which may be prescribed by doctors in town. Indeed, Subutex, analgesic, agonist part of morphine, is in the form of soluble tablets unfortunately more than 5O per cent of drug users who do shall prescribe intravenous! This practice of "shot" at Subutex is the origin of abscesses at injection sites, sometimes leading to amputation of fingers or hand.

Thus, contrary to what we want to believe everyone who has interest to get this derivative of morphine for the miracle pill can resolve any heroin, Subutex can become a public danger for drug users ... This is why, despite the "tests" and "epidemiological investigations "generally positive", all ironically sponsored by Schering-Plough Laboratory , which is sort of judge and party, it seemed urgent to denounce Subutex on behalf of a daily practice of home young drug addicts, a practice dating back more than fifteen years, especially on behalf of unbiased observations born of stubborn desire to deny the fact that the protest without care for addicts gradually fell into disuse "in an economy that is rapidly transforming science into a source of profits "exactly as written by Daniel S. Greenberg in the famous Washington Post .

Make no mistake, and especially do not mistake the young dependent users who come to seek help, the behavior of scientists in their research funded by the pharmaceutical industry is breathtaking. So the very serious JAMA (Journal of The American Medical Association), publishing a sociological study about the attitudes of researchers sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, has not hesitated to assert the results show that the sponsorship analysis Economic medicines by pharmaceutical companies' results in a lower likelihood of adverse outcomes being reported. " He even adds a clarification: "5 per cent, against 38 percent for non-sponsored studies ..." It is so crowded easily, impartiality Schering-Plough over Subutex poor! When Health is so "under the thumb" of the economy, the risk seems great. So the duty of any addiction counselor who respects himself, is to denounce such manipulation. This is the very meaning of this article.

"By Apollo Asclipios , Hygeia and Panacea" are the first words of the famous oath of Hippocrates that any physician and pharmacist should know by heart and meditate especially TODAY 'hui before a wafer Subutex, the caduceus in his hand! Asclipios , god of medicine, before him the caduceus, the rod surrounded by serpents, reptiles living and / or death which may in turn bring death and life, the venom could become a vaccine or remaining deadly poison, the poison may become a healer or potion of hemlock Socrates .

This is the challenge of this millennium. He is happily part of citizens' rights not to denounce violent physician practices of dealers in white coats that are sometimes the general city struggling with the requirements of buprénorpine ... With Subutex , these rights are duties undeniably .

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Peeing Lots And Stomach Cramps


Here is a very interesting note from WHO on the rights of persons with mental disorders and that starts with a simple observation but we are constantly to report here: "people with mental illness are victims of violations of their human rights, stigma and discrimination." It WHO says so!


December 7, 2005 - Information Note No. 1

Worldwide, people with mental disorders suffer violation of their human rights, stigma and discrimination. To resolve this problem, WHO urges governments to:


- policies and laws relating to mental health can be an effective way to prevent human rights violations and discrimination, and promote the autonomy and freedom of persons with mental disorders.

- However, many countries fail to implement them. 40% of countries, for example, have no policy mental health and 64% of countries have no legislation on mental health or have one that is more than 10 years.

- Even when policies and laws on mental health are available, many of them focus mainly on the internment of people with mental disorders in psychiatric institutions and does not concern the protection of their fundamental rights.

• Countries should adopt policies, laws and appropriate mental health services promote the rights of persons with mental disorders, giving them the opportunity to make choices in their lives, ensuring protection Legal and ensuring their integration and full participation in the community.


- 450 million people worldwide suffer from mental, neurological and behavioral problems, but most of them lack access to treatment and appropriate mental health care.

- 30% of countries have no specific budget for mental health. Among those who have a specific budget, 20% spend less than 1% of their total health budget on mental health.

- Some countries do not have appropriate services, while in other countries, services are only available for certain population groups.

- 32% of countries have no community care services defined as "all types of care, supervision and rehabilitation of patients outside the hospital by health professionals and social workers in the community" .

- There is considerable variation in the number of psychiatrists from more than 10 per 100 000 to less than 1 300 000 .- Worldwide, 68.6% of beds in psychiatric hospitals psychiatric rather than in general hospitals or other community centers.

• Governments should increase their investment in the field of mental health. In addition, mental health professionals should receive adequate training on mental health at all levels of care.
• Large institutions, which are often associated with human rights violations, should be replaced by community care centers, strengthened by psychiatric beds in general hospitals and home care.


- People living in mental health facilities are often subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.

- They are sometimes put in seclusion or restraints for long periods.

- Many of them are over-medicated to keep them docile and "manageable".

- People with mental disorders are often considered to lack the ability to make decisions in their own interest. Many of them are admitted inappropriately in mental health facilities against their will and treatments are administered without consent.

- In some schools, people living in unhygienic conditions, lacking clothes, clean water, food, heating, clean bedding or sanitary facilities. •

free and informed consent should be the mainstay of treatment and rehabilitation for most persons with mental disorders. People should be consulted and involved in decisions about their treatment and care.
• Inappropriate use of isolation and stress should be declared illegal.
• People have the right to live in conditions that respect and promote their dignity. They have the right to adequate food and clothing appropriate to conditions of hygiene and basic safety, stimulation, including recreational, educational and professional, confidentiality, respect for privacy, to access to information, freedom of communication.
• Patients should be informed of their rights when interacting with mental health services and information should be transmitted so that patients are able to understand them.
• Legal mechanisms and oversight bodies must be put in place to protect people against inhuman and degrading treatment, including involuntary admissions arbitrary and inappropriate treatments. People should also make use of complaints mechanisms in cases of violations of fundamental rights.


- As recipients of mental health services, people with mental disorders and their families, are those most directly affected by issues related to mental health. Also, their views and their involvement in decisions and mental health activities are they essential to allow their needs are met and that their rights are respected.

- In some countries, users of mental health services and family organizations play a fundamental role and extremely active regarding all issues of mental health.

- However, in most countries, users of mental health services and their families are totally excluded from all matters related mental health.

• Governments should encourage participation in the decision process of users of mental health services and their families by supporting the creation and / or strengthening of groups representing their interests.
• Individuals or groups representing the interests of users of mental health services and their families are best placed to identify problems, identify their needs and help find solutions to improve mental health in countries. It is therefore essential that they participate in the design and implementation policies, plans, laws and services.


- The stigma, myths and misconceptions surrounding mental illness are barriers to treatment. The fear of being despised prevents people with mental disorders and their families access to care and support they need.

- The stigma associated with mental disorders also leads to discrimination and violations of fundamental rights. Worldwide, people with disabilities face social discrimination in the areas of employment, health, education, housing and education. Many of them are denied basic rights such as voting, marriage rights and the right to bear children.

• Much of the stigma surrounding mental illness could be avoided by changing habits and awareness of public opinion to the fact that mental disorders are treatable.
• Ministries of Health and representatives or organizations of users of mental health services, groups of families, health professionals, NGOs, academic institutions and other parties stakeholders all have important roles to play. All should unite their efforts to educate the public and change attitudes towards mental health and promote the human rights of persons with mental disorders.
• The fight against stigma and discrimination is not only the ministries of health. It requires a multisectoral approach undertaken in various sectors - education, labor, social justice, among others.