Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reptile Vs Mammal Higher Respiration Rates

I protest, I take offense.

MRAP, my best friend, is very cruel to me. No mention in his tiny 2009 report on racism on the internet, despite my comments and my stinking links odious. It's really not fair ...

I see only one possible explanation is that my work is not referenced by them. They are homophobic.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Velicity Von

New panel

Given that rates have changed since the beginning of the year and the mayor not wanting to provide a new sign for his car, the authority managing the parking was therefore responsible to do so at his own cost.

This morning, a new panel was delivered (though he had two since there are 2 entries). The translation of welcome in English is wrong, it should be bienvenida. For 6-hour parking rate would be € 12.40. If the panel is placed on the ground is simply because the serifs on the rear panel are not the right size relative to the poles already in place.

Award joke: 320.00 € before tax.

Do Japanese Women Really Get Molested On Trains?

Does the pagan statues were talking about?

"The testimony of those who believe something already established, has no force to support it, but the testimony of those who do not croyent, has the power to destroy. Those who believe, can not n'estre educated reasons not to believe, but it can hardly do that those who do croyent point, are not educated reason to believe.

Quite the contrary when the thing is established, the testimony of those whom the people believe, is self-Mesme stronger than the testimony of those who do croyent point, because of course those who people believe, are the have examined, and those who do croyent point may not having done so.

I do not mean that in one nor in the other case, the authority of those who believe, or do croyent point, or decision, I only mean that if one has no regard for the reasons on which both parties rely, the authority of another while one is more responsive, and one while that of others. This is in general, what to leave a common opinion, or to receive a new, must make some use of his reason, good or bad, but there is no need to do to reject any opinion new, or to take one that is common. It takes strength to resist the torrent, but it must point to follow him. "

Fontenelle History oracles.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Should I Take Mylanta If I Have The Flu?

The gap is widening ...

Vardon was sentenced by the "justice".

My mother made me a check to join the mine.

My father treated the identity of disgusting fascists.

course. The fascists are not people who spit on your daughter when they cross the street because she is white and blonde and pretty ... The fascists are those who write pamphlets on the subject.

I feel that the times ahead will be fun.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Primer Tm Annealing Temperature Calculator

Fare Increase parking

As of January 4, 2010, rates of Car parking increases:

01 hours = 3.00 € = 5.50
02 hours 03 hours
€ = 8.00 €
04 hours = 10.00 €
then 1.20 per additional hour.

Free parking for disabled badge on presentation of the ICG, GIG, H, difficulty standing, disabled.