Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sample Letter Of Disconnection Of Line


Since the World Cup soccer, which began June 11, we have (re) discovered vuvuzela . They come in all sizes and colors. Here are 2 models parking. The only problem is finding where to have to blow it.

For cons the model for the France team is called the "you're gone."

Chrch Donation Letter Sample

Blame it on Voltaire!

Of all the untruths that are shared by both Christians than atheists hysterical bounded "Voltaire was an atheist" is one of the most annoying. Here is a small presentation on the subject, history that I can copy the first necklace that bothers me.

It is obviously very difficult to quote Voltaire, since most of the time, it is ironic and that he regularly puts his words into the mouths of other characters. You'll have to trust me or go check the citations in context.

"The world embarrasses me, and I can not think

Let this clock exists and has developed a watchmaker. "

Voltaire fought "against the infamous" he mocks the clergy but also of the biblical texts. In particular, he criticizes with a ferocity rare Old Testament, contradictions and fables immoral in it.

But for him, the reaction of a "wise" in the face of foolish believers is not atheism.

Our teachers attribute to God their nonsense and their fury, so God is the opposite of what they advertise, then God is as wise and as good as they say, crazy and mean. This explains the wise. But if a fanatic hears them, he denounced a magistrate Sergen t of priests, and the sergeant makes a slow burn, believing revenge and imitate the divine majesty that contempt .*

Anti-bigotry yes , often anti-clerical, anti-Christian if you will. Atheist? Never.

The actual position of Voltaire's hard to pinpoint. But we can highlight two essential points:

deist Voltaire is convinced that the reason leading to the conclusion that God exists (which smells opinion Catholicism) and his vision of God is ultimately very Christian.

He also believes the social utility of religion , arguing that atheists have far fewer reasons to act morally than religious believers. For a defense of the morality of atheists, we must look at Diderot.

Bayle examines whether idolatry is more dangerous than atheism [...] Obviously it would be infinitely better for the Greeks to fear Ceres, Neptune and Jupiter, to fear nothing at all. It is clear that the sanctity of an oath is required, and we must rely more on those who think that perjury will be punished, and those who think they can make a false oath with impunity. There is no doubt that in a civilized city, it is infinitely more useful to have a religion, even bad, than to have none at all.

It therefore appears that Bayle should examine what is the most dangerous fanaticism or atheism. Fanaticism is certainly a thousand times more fatal, for atheism does not oppose the crimes, but bigotry makes them commit. **

Also in the logic of the social utility of religion, Voltaire approves small parish priests who teach morality to the people (as opposed to the clergy rich), even if they would like to make it even more helpful in making children.

Finally, like many other thinkers of his time, he discusses the limits of human knowledge to make fun of those who claim to be exceeded. This is true for theologians who seek to justify the existence of evil or to understand the nature of the soul, for the pedants who claim to know how a baby forms in the uterus (since no one knew at the time). Let

at the end of almost every chapter of metaphysics both Roman letters judges when they did not intend to cause: NL, non liquet, it is not clear. ***

It also makes Voltaire championed tolerance, he argues in effect that it exists among the various sects of Christianity. But care should be taken not to distort the language. Tolerance does not want to say much today, or rather means anything and everything.

Voltaire wants believers s'étriper stop in the streets, but the letters étripages by proxy, no problem! It is an aggressive tolerance, which has nothing to do with the sort of silent bliss castrated and that's being built today as a model.

And overlooked his personal adversaries, oh, Voltaire is anything but what we call "tolerant". What I hear people harping on "even if I do not agree with what you say, I will fight for you to say" (and other variants) ... The new fashion is to clarify that the quote is apocryphal, but while continuing to worship Voltaire as something that could say.

In truth, every time, even the lowest, are good for people that disqualify Voltaire in the nose. Whoever contradicts our charming philosopher in terms of ideas short many risks, in response, of being branded homosexual moron who has no friends, much less literary talent. (Voltaire in the era of the internet and blogs, I see that!)

end on a quick note irony: Voltaire is the author of the piece Fanaticism, or Mahomet the Prophet . Can we still afford such as Today? It's already a miracle that the work is still studied. But "do not worry" they say, "it really does not speak of Islam, was a bias to convict hijacked Christianity." Phew. Voltaire was not Islamophobic. All is well in the land of tolerance and religious-secular-inherited-of-the Enlightenment.

* Philosophical Dictionary, article Atheist, Atheism, Part II **

Philosophical Dictionary, article Atheist, Atheism Part I

*** Philosophical Dictionary, article Well (everything is)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where Im Buy Mifeprex

Anecdote (s)

Small tales of "multiculturalism" ordinary.

A girl I know eat a kebab with his friend. When paying, she released her credit card. "No," strikes him the boss, "It's not the woman who should pay."

Bad news for our gallant fake / real hard, he fell on a loudmouth who offered to call the cops, to see whether or not she could pay. Now

Decline of the type which, in my humble opinion, most feared a raid in the kitchen for a blame misogyny.

The plural in my title, I warrant you in redirecting this Article . Of course, I was not ... but if there is only a half truth in the words of the author, is very interesting.

Edit: adding a book with many photos .

Saturday, June 19, 2010

How Long Does The Average Car Starter Last

Found object

Around 16 H 00 a person goes back a plastic bag found in the parking lot. Inside are 64 cartridges (used).

The police came to retrieve the package after our call, we were told it was certainly a soldier who had "got rid of a memory." To their knowledge there had been no recent robbery at the gun.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cloudy Substance When Taking A Poop

I live!

The title says it all, but develop though.

I have not been shot in a dark alley by a human being whose origin would have no significance.

My parents have not paid for shady men kidnap me and my program their .

I have not sunk into depression and alcohol (as it still has the right to drink) because of the wickedness of the MRAP and small lists.

I just - stupid me - I felt that other priorities at the moment. You know, "to prepare its future 'and stuff like that. Assuming of course that all our futures, this is not to climb on the barricades (in trays of ham, it repels invaders better than the stones) and shouted "Freedom or death!"

As I do not do things by halves, not only have I not written, but I did not even read what others wrote. Change of comprehensive review. I am sure you have turned the small world reaction without my help.

Just a word before they must leave. I will not discuss the obvious shame that represents the idea of eating sausage and drinking wine in the middle of Paris. Everything has been said about the subject. CRS = SS = Sausage, of course. Not to mention the delicious "journalist" Great Faces (or is it the priest who was invited?) Has asked the representative of Lay Riposte if she was ready to be deaths on his conscience ... It was not clear who would be murderers and victims: alcohol, various offended in their faith, the Nazis moustached little boots, the poor pigs reduced lint?

I'll just give you my reactions in microcosm. My mother asked me if I had seen that the drink "my friends" (a term both sincere and tinged with irony in his mouth) was banned, and I explained what happens (from wonderful, of course) on Friday at the drop of gold. I thought I read in his eyes a fierce desire to go there to drink grape juice, but I could be wrong.

My father told me on the other hand (what he gruffly when he knows he said something stupid) it's been a long time it exists, the public prayers in the streets there, and that become a "tradition". I look forward to the opportunity to put this word in conversation.

Decidedly, I am sorry they have divorced long ago. It would have been a reason for separation much more funny to yell at each other for the sausage, right?