Sunday, February 27, 2011

Brazilian New Plymouth

Trap them - darker handcraft

prosthetic rds. Media [ myspace ]
. Buy [ cd] [12 '']
. listen [ megaupload ]

punctual as ever, the new Trap 'em here. Nothing new.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

90's Computer Spelling Game

Ancient shores - the black engulfs our sun

. cd
. Self released, is now A389.
. Media [ myspace ]
. Buy [ cd]
. Listen [ megaupload ]

Damn that's big! A metal hardcore fat, powerful, perfect symbiosis Architect (us), Coalesce or Burnt by the sun. It struck savagely with groove and energy.

Dragon Ball Bed Sheets

Deafheaven - violet (edit)

. digital
. Deathwish inc rds
. Listen [ megaupload ]

Ok, this is an edit of the song "Purple" from their upcoming album, but you would be wrong to you deny! From
beautiful "black metal". The Trier will hate.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Female Masterbation In Bus

TIBET CHINA NEWS - Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tibetan National Anthem

Tuesday February 22, 2011

" All

men aspire to what développement.Mais development possible for people deprived of freedom?

warn the world: Only the international community can prevent disappear Tibet and Tibetan

incentive person for revenge or violence against the Chinese, but try to help them towards

understanding the suffering of the Tibetan people. "

according to a text Blandine CATTEAU and reviewed by Patrick BONNASSIEUX



China Tibet News translated into Chinese

The version China Tibet News China click: % 3A% 2F% 2F% & sl = en & tl = zh-CN & hl = zh-CN & i


A nephew of the Dalai Lama killed in an accident in the United States

AFP February 15, 2011

BONNASSIEUX Patrick French Translation - CHINA TIBET NEWS

Jigme Norbu

nephew of the Dalai Lama (right)

MIAMI - Jigme Norbu, nephew of the Dalai Lama, died Monday, February 14, 2011 evening. I was struck by a car while walking in a pro-Tibetan protests on a road in Florida, officials said.

The traffic police patrol said in a brief statement Tuesday that Norbu was walking on the edge of a local road in northeast Florida, where he was struck by a vehicle at 7:26 pm
, Monday (0026 GMT Tuesday), and died on arrival of emergency services.

Norbu, 43, was present for the" March for Peace "with other militant advocacy of human rights in Tibet, according to a militant website.


His Holiness the Dalai Lama confident : the Tibetan issue will be resolved in his lifetime
Tibet France February 19, 2011 http: / / / site / index.php? itemid = 13484

A Bonbay, Friday, February 18, 2011, the political and spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama did not show the shadow of a doubt concerning the resolving the Tibetan issue. In response to a question whether this issue would be resolved in his lifetime, he said: "Of course it will, and it will definitely, I'm sure."

His Holiness stressed the growing support of the Chinese population to the Tibetan cause and presented it as a positive factor for a future resolution. "There are more Chinese than ever to support the Tibetan cause," he said.
The Times of India, His Holiness said that the long struggle for Tibetan freedom would soon be over. "It is my belief that this will not be a defeat and triumph for one another. It will be a victory for all, "he said after a lecture at the University of Mumbai on the theme of" ancient wisdom and modern thought. "
He cited the history and past conflicts in Europe said that if Germany and France were enemies during the world wars, they now work in unity within the European Union.

Speaking of modern China, His Holiness stressed that "true socialism is obsolete," but rather "a communist party, not communist ideology, communist-capitalist system. What is new. "He had the opportunity to allude to" the life of some Indian Communists and some leaders of the Communist Party of India, "he has heard they were" more bourgeois and socialist ".

Describing Indians as "gurus" and the Tibetans as "chelas (disciples), His Holiness also told an Indian audience that" basically, we (Tibetans) have much to learn from you. " He added however that "the caste system, dowry, discrimination, may be part of your tradition, but all this is outdated and must change. Young people must make these changes ... From your "chela" is constructive criticism. "
Sometimes you're just lazy. You must be harder to work with much more confidence in you. "


VIDEO: Tibetan Song" The 30 letters of the alphabet "

Video subtitled in French see: 3A% 2F% 2F18961695 & h = 0555a

"The 30 letters of the alphabet" by Kalsang Tenzin (Tibet): Song for defending Tibetan Endangered by the aujtorités Chinese because they want to impose Mandarin Chinese in Tibet green.

Here is the text of the song translated into French: Thirty

The Letters of literacy and

I am a son of the Land of Snows.
You're a flower blooming in the meadow. I'm
a son of the Land of Snows.
You're a flower blooming in the meadow.
Ka Kha Ga
* Nga. Cha Ca Ja Da Na Tha Nya.Ta. Pa Pha Ba Ma Tsa Tsha Za Za Wa.Zha A 'Ya. The Sa Ra Sha Ha Aa.Ai In Ae Ao.
(* Tibetan Alphabet)
Learn by heart! The great scholar

Sambhota bequeathed from the Sanskrit Indian
the writing system of the Tibetan language.
Learn the four vowels and thirty consonants. Ten letters

suffix consonants
Ga Na Nga Ba Da Ma A'Ra The Sa, here are ten letters suffixes.
learn them all by heart!

Children darlings of the Land of Snow!
In Tibet, we have a saying:
"Even if he should learn other languages, it would be a shame to forget his own."

Children cherish the land of snow!
In Tibet, we have a saying:
"Even if he should learn other languages, it would be a shame to forget his own." Ka Kha Ga

Nga. Cha Ca Ja Da Na Tha Nya.Ta. Pa Pha Ba Ma Tsa Tsha Za Za Wa.Zha A 'Ya. The Sa Ra Sha Ha Aa.Ai In Ae Ao. Learn by heart!

I am a son of the Land of Snows,
You're a flower blooming in the meadow.
At each study!

darlings of Land of Snow!
In Tibet, we have a saying:
"Even if he should learn other languages, it would be a shame to forget his own."

I am a son of the Land of Snows, You are a
flower blooms in the meadow.
I am a son of the Land of Snows,
You're a flower blooming in the meadow.
I am a son of the Land of Snows,
You're a flower blooming in the prairie


abum photos : China seeks a revolution of Jasmine

Hong Kong China Jasmine Revolution

China Jasmine Revolution

Photo album see: ogo # / album.php? aid = 2093891 & id = 1024172655 = 1733014598220 & fbid

Other photos: @ N03/with/5460440965 /


China. The police deployed en masse after calls to protest
Ouest France February 20, 2011 mass-after-the-call-a-show-spears-sur-internet-div-class = boutonVideo-img-alt = Link-to-video-src =- design-pictures-video-overlay-div-articleVideoSmall.gif -_39382-1700687_actu.Htm

Police were deployed en masse on Sunday, in Chinese cities and has made several arrests to prevent protests that the Chinese had been called on the internet in 13 cities in the wake of uprisings in the Arab world .
The "jasmine revolution" has been emulated to China! Saturday, the Chinese have called on the internet from foreign websites, at events. These messages, which have proliferated on the Web despite censorship, called for protests Sunday in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and ten other major cities.
large police
A message posted on the net encouraged "the unemployed and victims of forced evictions to participate in demonstrations, shouting slogans and demanding freedom, democracy and political reform to end the party ". Protesters were called to shout slogans such "we want food", "we want work," "we want houses" but "long live freedom" , etc.. Plenty to scoop a long stay in prison in China.
Except that, according to several forums, only a few demonstrators answered the call and very large contingents of police were deployed in Shanghai, Harbin, Guangzhou and Chengdu. In the capital, at least 300 police officers took place in the great shopping district of Wangfujing, rallying place announced by Internet messages, but no rally was held. The police picked up two people: one had insulted the authorities and the other demanded "to eat" .
The word "jasmine" censored on canvas
According Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy, up to 100 militants were arrested in assigned residence or disappeared in Beijing and Shanghai and the provinces of Zhejiang, Guizhou, Sichuan and Hunan.
"This is related to calls for revolution jasmine" , said the association based in Hong Kong.
"I do not think the call for protests was to be taken literally. Nobody had really intended to show because there are too many policemen, " said lawyer Li Jinsong, very active in defending human rights.
But "taking it seriously, the police shows how much she feared that the revolution of jasmine can influence social stability in China" said Li
These calls have apparently pushed the canvas Beijing censor the word "jasmine". Since the troubles began in Tunisia, Beijing has heavily censored the information from the Arab world on the popular uprisings against unemployment, rising prices, corruption and lack of democracy.


Les Houches (74) new Losar 2138 Tibetan year from Friday 4th to Sunday, March 6, 2011
To see the program go to:

_______ ;

PARIS JEUDI 10 MARS 2011: Call for a national celebration for the 52nd

anniversary uplift of the Tibetan People

By Thupten Gyatso, President of CTF, the Office of the "Tibetan Community of France and his Friends"

Paris: The Tibetan Community in France in coordination with the Office of Tibet prepare to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan People's uprising against the Chinese occupation of Tibet, Thursday, March 10, 2011, at 15h, in front of Human Rights, at the Trocadero in Paris.
Metro: Trocadéro line 9 or 6


COLMAR '68) Thursday, March 10, 2011: 52nd Anniversary of Tibetan people's uprising against the Chinese occupation

To commemorate this event the punishment has claimed thousands of lives and pay tribute to Claude Levenson, writer, journalist and ardent campaigner for human rights and Tibetan people Specifically, the Association "Freedom Tibet "invites you to join us to show our support for the Tibetan people and denouncing the abuses committed against him:

Thursday, March 10 from 12am to 14h around the Statue of Liberty in Colmar. (roundabout north)

Saturday, March 12 at the IACHR Sélestat (International Center Introduction to Human Rights), Place du Marché aux Choux, the association offers an afternoon of information:

15h: dissemination of documentary film "What Remains of Us", by François Prévost and Hugo Latulippe

16h30: conference - debate with Mr. Wangpo Bashi, secretary of the board
of Tibet in Paris

March 1 to March 31 : Tuesday to Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the IACHR Sélestat information exhibition on the history of Tibet, the current situation and policy of the Tibetan Government in Exile. The files of various national and international campaigns will be available.

TIBET: R assembled in Toulouse Place du Capitole Thursday, March 10 2011 at 17:30

not forget the legitimate aspiration of the Tibetan people
a time when the universal values of human rights and freedom,
historically worn by France, are echoed in particular international
occasion of the great democratic movements that offer new hope to
Middle East, it is more important than ever to remind our citizens
support the efforts of dialogue and non-violence advocated in particular by the Dalai Lama to preserve
peaceful culture Millennium and the Tibetan people's freedom
After nine rounds of unsuccessful negotiations
with Chinese authorities, despite international pressure after
waves of arrests and repression that followed the 2008 Olympics, he
is now talk of banning the Tibetan schools of all roof
the world. Here is a final example of cultural genocide conducted continuously since
over fifty years.

a time when the Chinese government clearly prohibits "gatherings
jasmine", provided every Sunday at 14h in twenty-seven major cities in
China, the Tibetan diaspora, scattered in several countries, re-elects its first
Minister and members of parliament of the exile government, giving the world
a fine example of true democracy. Faced with his own

people, including a Tibetan youth face exasperated by the political
Chinese, the Dalai Lama continues to foster non-violence, dialogue between peoples and
individuals, and tries to propose compromise
acceptable by both parties, so that all can live in harmony within the
People's Republic of China.

not forget the legitimate aspiration of the Tibetan people to freedom, his
culture and human rights. Find us Thursday, March 10, place du Capitole
at 17:30 in a republican spirit and fraternal.

Thanking you in advance for your indispensable presence

The Tibetan Community of Midi-Pyrenees
The Collective Actions Tibet Truth Marzens 81500 (France) tel: 05 63 58 17 22 contact @ actions-tibet-vrite . org


Organised by the association "Tashi Delek Bordeaux"

For the day of Thursday 10 March 2011, international day celebrating the 52nd anniversary of Tibetan uprising against the occupation of Tibet by China, a stand of information about the Tibetan cause will be set at 14.00 and demonstration will start from the Place de la Victoire at 18:00 for Place Pey Berland make or parade will disperse at 20:00



In tribute to the Tibetan people take a day off March 10 of each year


All are

March 10 of each year the LOCA (s) Tibetan (ne) s and support groups for freedom in Tibet protester to commemorate all over the world to commemorate the Tibetan people's uprising against the Chinese Oppressive. This event took place March 10, 1959. This revolt was put down violently and caused the deaths of 88 000 pesonnes Tibet.

The purpose of this action and make a holiday Comm Emori as November 11 or May 8 in France.

This holiday of 10 March should be exclusively reserved to honor freedom of the Tibetan people and not for recreation and to allow all those who support it can move up to the halls and solve the problem of free time for those involved and working
when March 10 falls on a weekday.

For my part, for 3 years I reserve this day for Tibet.

For this we need if you can negotiate with your employer on the 10th March. Forexample:
March 10, 2011 is a Thursday so a working day.

If you want you you can register as a participant optionally
Facebook page of the action by clicking: # / event.php? eid = 104787616262799







Shen Yun is back in 2011

Shen Yun is back!

muri A show for 5000 years.

The Shen Yun Performing Arts is distinguished by its desire to remain independent
Chinese regime, which destroyed and impoverished the arts for decades. The dancers, musicians and singers, all of formationclassique, share a common vision: to revive Chinese culture and restore its past glory.

Drawing on the wealth of over 20 dynastieset 50 ethnic groups, ranging from the steppes of Mongolia to the boreal forests of lush Yunnan. Shen Yun recites an amazing

diversity on stage and presents each year, a work entirely new and spectacular .

Shen Yun is a unique show, with its unique classical dance Chinese.

With more one hundred artists and a symphony orchestra blending traditional instruments and Western
Chinese Shen Yun is an international tour on the biggest stages worldwide.
Incarnation of the renaissance of traditional Chinese culture, Shen Yun through dance and music in the history of China - from its foundation to its mythological latest news - and shows us that culture as appears too infrequently: inspired, spiritual, free from censorship and deeply rooted in a tradition that has always linked the men to heaven. But mostly, it is in the depth of interpretation and control dancers that reflected an ancient belief: "to create a true art, beauty and purity should be inside out.

Duration 2h30 - Children from 5 years.

Introduced in France by the association Sacred Lotus.

2011 Tour Dates : 0 8 CLERMONT FERRAND March 9 - 11, 12, PARIS March 13 - 18, 19, Lyon 20 March - 22 March MERIGNAC - March 29 to April 03 BRUSSELS - 16, April 17 LAUSANNE

Other countries and tickets:

If you wish to receive this newsletter please send your e-mail to

Friday, February 4, 2011

39 Weeks With Black Bm


But no prude
Always ready to serve
Never make your delirious whims
You made us laugh
abuse grain
You'll have been fatal
you rest in your homeland
At Murat in Cantal

Our friend died today, after 40 days in a coma and fighting against a generalized infection. It would have been 48 on Feb. 28.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Una Ragazza Molto Viziosa Trailer

Every month you will find the monthly overview of the occupation of parking place d'Armes de Versailles.